
Because it was raining this day we were able to see the drainage problems that exist in the tunnel. Newer bridges are styled to be safer with wider entrances to let more light in. Our group took notice of the grade of the entrance and exit and how it is done in a way that ensures you don’t go too fast and it doesn’t cut off your line of sight. A major determinant of cost is how much structural support you need for the tunnel (cars vs. trains). We think that whoever is changing the “flow” should be responsible for bearing the cost of the solution, dependent upon both parties having sufficient funding. However, in the US a lot of the times the bike programs are extremely underfunded and the highway/rail programs have a lot more money to work with. The highway/rail program benefits from the addition of a bridge or tunnel because it allows an alternative route for people to travel and more people in bikes means less on the highway and the longer it will last. In this case it makes more sense for the highway/rail program to pay for the bridge or tunnel.



Additional travel required when disregarding other specialty bridges: 2.07 km(shown in orange). Additionally, the level of stress increases along with this route. The bridge used to cross only has bike lanes instead of the separate cycle track that the original bridge provides.

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Additional travel required when utilizing a different specialty bridge: 1.61 km, and the stress level remains the same.

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Additional travel required without special tunnel, only using a tunnel with a road as well as a cycle track (stress level remains the same): 999 m (shown in orange)

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***Personal Update from Katie:
This tunnel was recently re-opened with the original structure of stairs on the entrance on Abstwoudseweg. I personally find carrying my bike up and down the stairs using the ramp very difficult and a big hassle. This increases my stress level when it comes to using this route and as a result I have been taking the below route instead. It takes about 4 extra minutes (1.04 km when cutting through the parking lot) and in my opinion, it is worth it. The ride is easy and I don’t have to get off my bike.

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Additional travel required without special tunnel (same stress level): 986 m (shown in orange)

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