Wednesday, 8 April

Wednesday, 8 April  – Huntsville, AL

AIAA woke up to a beautiful Spring day in Huntsville and eagerly awaited a trip to Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). At MSFC, the team was able to see a variety of different labs and test models including: vacuum chambers, F1 engines, ISS modules, and test stands.

F1 Engine.

F1 Engine.

Touching a NERVA XE" Engine.

Touching a NERVA XE” Engine.

Group shot with a Shuttle booster!

Group shot with a Shuttle booster!

Vacuum chamber.

Vacuum chamber.

Apollo-age test stands.

Apollo-age test stands.

Linear Aerospike Engine.

Linear Aerospike Engine.

After the visit, the team had to demonstrate the AGSE’s launch rail system to SL judges.

Preparing to transport the AGSE.

Preparing to transport the AGSE.

Loading the gas springs for testing.

Loading the gas springs for testing.


The AGSE looking impressive, but not entirely complete yet.

The AGSE looking impressive, but not entirely complete yet.




Article and photos by Alanna Ferri