The NUSAACS Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (NCDI) was established in the fall of 2020 to serve as an advisory board to the executive board of the club. Its mission is to ensure that the wider club both serves as a safe space for students belonging to all historically oppressed groups and makes actively combating anti-Blackness, racism, xenophobia, and all other forms of discrimination a key goal of the club. In addition, NCDI serves as a point of collaboration between the club, the Chemistry and Chemical Biology department, and the College of Science committees for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice. The full mission of the committee can be seen in Article 7, Section 8 of the NUSAACS constitution.

If you have an idea for how the NCDI can better accomplish its mission, or have experienced or observed an instance of discrimination within the club, department, or college that you would like to report, please fill out this form.

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