Below are our tentative calendars of events, both for the club and for 115 Hurtig Hall. All dates in the calendar below are subject to change.

NUSAACS Calendar:

Below is the calendar of events for NUSAACS, including weekly meetings and walk-in hours with our e-board members. Contact if you have any questions or concerns.

For the 2021-2022 academic year, meetings and walk-in hours are back to being held primarily in-person!

Open in Google Calendar to view color-coding.


  • Pink = club-wide Thursday meetings
  • Purple = Special events
  • Blue = Mentor-Mentee specific events

Chem Central Calendar:

Below is the calendar of Chem Central, 115 Hurtig Hall, where many office hours take place. Please look below if you are looking for your TA or for a time when Chem Central is available. If you have questions about using this space, please contact Tara Loschiavo at