
In light of the coronavirus crisis, String Phenomenology 2020 will be held virtually from June 8 - 12, 2020. The conference will be held for a few hours per day in order to allow for maximum participation across the globe. All presentations will be by junior researchers who are not yet in permanent positions.

A schedule will appear in the last two weeks of May, 2020.

Please register to receive links for viewing the presentations.

String Phenomenology 2021 will be hosted at Northeastern University, and we hope to see you there.

Invited Speakers:

Lars Aalsma, University of Wisconsin
Alex Cole, University of Wisconsin
Isabel Garcia Garcia, KITP
Sven Krippendorf, LMU Munich
Ling Lin, CERN
Cody Long, Cornell University
Severin Lüst, Ecole Polytechnique
Jakob Moritz, Cornell University
Francesco Muia, DESY
Tom Rudelius, IAS
Fabian Ruehle, CERN and University of Oxford
John Stout, University of Amsterdam
Irene Valenzuela, Harvard University
Max Wiesner, IFT Madrid
Yinan Wang, University of Oxford


Jim Halverson and Brent Nelson

Local Organizing Committee:
Cody Long, Pran Nath, Matt Reece, Tomasz Taylor, Wati Taylor, and Cumrun Vafa