Newton MBTA Half Mile Circle Maps
Prepared by Richard Rasala

Updated April 15 2023 ... to show Newton boundary lines on maps in red

Introduction to the MBTA Communities Law
The MBTA Communities Law requires zoning that will permit the creation of significant multi-family housing {3 units or more} in a community served by the MBTA. Here is a list of some important sites and documents related to this law.
A key feature of the MBTA Communities Law is to require a certain percentage of the zoning designed to create multi-family housing to fall within a one half mile circle around a rapid transit or commuter rail stop. Thus, knowing these half mile circles is important for planning. Displaying half size circle maps for Newton is the goal of this document.

Half Mile Circle Maps Around Rapid Transit and Commuter Rails Stops in Newton
There are 8 rapid transit and 3 commuter rail stops in Newton.
The internal links below will link to the corresponding 11 half mile circle maps displayed in this document.
With each half mile circle map, there will be an external link to a live Google map that is centered at the same location.
Green Line B Branch
Green Line D Branch
Commuter Rail

Green Line B: Boston College

Boston College

Green Line D: Chestnut Hill

Chestnut Hill

Green Line D: Newton Centre

Newton Centre

Green Line D: Newton Highlands

Newton Highlands

Green Line D: Eliot


Green Line D: Waban


Green Line D: Woodland


Green Line D: Riverside


Commuter Rail: Newtonville


Commuter Rail: West Newton

West Newton

Commuter Rail: Auburndale
