MTH 3107 - Topology II

Winter 1996

Course Information

Course: MTH 3107, Topology II
Instructor: Alex Suciu
Time and Place: Mon. & Wed. at 5:30 - 7:00 PM, in 109 RY
Office Hours: TBA
Prerequisites: MTH 3105, Topology I
Textbook: Topology and Geometry, by Glen Bredon, Springer-Verlag, GTM #139

Course Description

This course is an introduction to homology theory. We will start with singular homology theory: axioms, homological algebra, homology with coefficients, Mayer-Vietoris sequence, degrees of maps, Euler characteristic. Next, we will introduce CW-complexes and study cellular homology. We will illustrate these techniques by many geometrical examples (surfaces, projective spaces, grassmanians, lens spaces, products, etc), and derive various applications (Jordan Curve Theorem, Borsuk-Ulam Theorem, Brouwer and Lefschetz-Hopf Fixed Point Theorems, etc). Time permitting, we will touch upon cohomology theory and duality on compact manifolds.

The grade for the course will be based on problem sets, a term project, and a take-home final exam.

Department of Mathematics
Northeastern University
Boston, MA, 02115
Office: 441 LA
Phone: (617) 373-4456

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Created: December 29, 1995. Last modified: December 29, 1995