Geometry-Algebra-Singularities-Combinatorics  Seminar
Cohomology rings, nilpotent quotients, and resonance varieties 


Alex Suciu

(Northeastern University)

Northeastern University

509 Lake Hall

1:30 p.m., Monday, April 12, 1999

Abstract:    The cohomology ring of a space X is intricately connected to the nilpotent quotients of its fundamental group G. I will talk about one such connection, and certain invariants that arise out of this connection. The main result is an explicit correspondence between two sets of invariants - one determined by the vanishing cup products in the degree 2 truncation of the cohomology ring of X, the other by the prime-index subgroups of the second nilpotent quotient G/G3. The "resonance varieties" that appear in this correspondence may be interpreted as the determinantal varieties of the linearized Alexander matrix of G.

I will illustrate with certain classes of spaces - including complements of complex hyperplane arrangements, and complements of arrangements of transverse planes in R4 - for which the invariants are amenable to combinatorial interpretations, capable of yielding classification results.

This is joint work with Daniel Matei. A paper describing these results may be found at math.GT/9812087.

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Web page:  Alexandru I. Suciu  Created: April 5, 1999 
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