Post [] Exhibition (Fall 2021)

Post [ ] – Fall 2021 Exhibition

Inspired by the linguistic pattern of putting “Post” in front of a word to signal change, this exhibit seeks to explore evolution and revolution by asking artists: what’s something that is or can be “post?” 

Designating a clear before and after, posts (post-impressionism, post colonialism, post-industrialization, postmodernism, post-war) force us to evaluate what has changed and what has remained, thus implying an improved or worsened state.

Posts are sometimes personal–heartbreaks and relationships, significant milestones, and life change. Posts can also be ideological, academic, political, and historic. We encouraged artists to explore the vastness of post and conjure images of revolution, utopia, deterioration, and progress. “Post” has many faces and many different ideas behind it. However, one aspect joining all differences is the implication of a before and after realized or unrealized.

The exhibition was in-person, held in the Northeastern tunnels. Opening night was a huge success! The exhibition ran from November 18th through the end of the Fall 2021 semester.