Money Media Press kit

Partner organization’s media advocacy strategy analysis (final presentation slides), Media analysis report , Journalist’s toolkit ,Letter to the editor, and Op-Ed for Money Magnets Money Magnets Press Kit is a presentation crafted by Northeastern University Students who took up Media Advocacy in Theory Practice course in Fall 2022. The kit consists of Partner organization’s media…

Environmental Justice Index- Greater Grove Hall

This project aims to address the issue of environmental injustice in Grove Hall, a community in Boston, Massachusetts. This project is meant to refine the existing Environmental Justice (EJ) designation criteria to better reflect the disproportionate impacts of environmental racism on specific communities. The proposes a co-created index that combines demographic data with data relevant…

Grove Hall Senior Center Stories

This project features work based on relationships and interactions between students and the older adults of grove hall senior center. All work is written and made by students in this course….

FSEM 1000: Connections & Decisions — Positive Experiences of Service

Our class worked with 5 different service partners where students did a variety of volunteer work. As so, we did not have one cohesive project but rather a lot of unique experiences regarding service. I chose to represent feedback from different students from each service site in this visualization to show the takeaways that each…

BIOL 2299 Service-Learning Memories

This artifact is a compilation of photos and student testimonials submitted throughout the semester. The service-learning portion of this course was dedicated to exposing students to STEM, so it highlights sample projects students facilitated. Through it, I hope community partners and students gain an understanding of what service-learning in BIOL 2299 looked like and what…

Black Content Creators’ Responses and Resistance Strategies on TikTok

While many of the social media trends we observe today can be attributed to the creative contributions of Black Content Creators, digital platforms routinely marginalize and undermine these creators through algorithmic recommendation systems that produce systemic bias against Black and Brown people. The student analyzed the content to address this kind of issue….

EDUC 1111: Asset Mapping at Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester

As stated by another project creator, “A community asset is anything that improves the quality of community life. Asset mapping is a process whereby a community’s assets are specifically identified, described, and often visualized geographically on a map. These maps provide information about the strengths and resources of the community and promotes community involvement, ownership,…

EDUC 1111: SquashBusters Community Asset Map

As stated by another project creator, “A community asset is anything that improves the quality of community life. Asset mapping is a process whereby a community’s assets are specifically identified, described, and often visualized geographically on a map. These maps provide information about the strengths and resources of the community and promotes community involvement, ownership,…

EDUC 1111: Asset Mapping at Squashbusters

As best stated by the project’s creator, Natalie Matthews, “A community asset is anything that improves the quality of community life. Asset mapping is a process whereby a community’s assets are specifically identified, described, and often visualized geographically on a map. These maps provide information about the strengths and resources of [the SquashBusters] community and…