Creators: Jojo Qiao, Sophie Liu, Camille Ruykhaver

This presentation represents a semester long research project where students developed recommendations for Old West Church on how to increase awareness of and engagement with their Urban Food Forest. These recommendations are rooted in consumer behavior science and are based on secondary and primary research, including interviews with relevant people, survey with church members, and observational research.

Two major barriers to involvement are that people have low awareness and fail to continuously contribute to the food forest. Therefore, instead of targeting a mass population, this project decided to focus on a small specific group that is motivated by the idea of food justice and will volunteer long-term. This plan tries to shape their thoughts by designing a poster and giving suggestions on poster locations. It also gives ideas to change opinions regarding the church and ways to communicate with the students to influence their attitudes in favor of the church and food forest that will help build long-term relationships. To impact their choices, the presentation gives recommendations based on analysis of construal and expectations so that they will be more likely to commit to the food forest project.