Zhenyun Qian

Author's posts

February 20, 2012

The paper M. Rinaldi, Y. Hui, C. Zuniga, A. Tazzoli and G. Piazza, “High Frequency AlN MEMS Resonators with Integrated Nano Hot Plate for Temperature Controlled Operation “, has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium 2012 (IFCS 2012), Baltimore, USA, 21-24 May 2012.

Permanent link to this article: https://web.northeastern.edu/nemslab/2012/02/february-20-2012/

October 21, 2011

The paper M. Rinaldi, A. Tazzoli, J. Segovia-Fernandez, V. Felmetsger and G. Piazza, “High Power and Low Temperature Coefficient of Frequency Oscillator Based on a Fully Anchored and Oxide Compensated AlN Contour-Mode MEMS Resonator”, has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE 25th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2012), Paris, France, January …

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Permanent link to this article: https://web.northeastern.edu/nemslab/2011/10/post1/

August 10, 2011

The paper A. Tazzoli, M. Rinaldi and G. Piazza, “Ovenized High Frequency Oscillators Based on Aluminum Nitride Contour-Mode MEMS Resonators”, has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting 2011 (IEDM 2011), Washington, USA, December 5-7, 2011.

Permanent link to this article: https://web.northeastern.edu/nemslab/2011/08/post2/

Ovenized SEM

AlN MEMS Resonator with integrated Nano-Hot-Plate for temperature controlled operation

Permanent link to this article: https://web.northeastern.edu/nemslab/2011/07/ovenized-sem/


AlN Nano Plate Resonator with integrated Carbon Nanotube Forest Read the papers for details: M. Rinaldi, C. Zuniga, N. Sinha, M. Taheri, S. M. Khamis, A. T. Johnson, and G. Piazza, “Gravimetric Chemical Sensor Based on the Direct Integration of SWNTs on AlN Contour-Mode MEMS Resonators“, Proceedings of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium 2008, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://web.northeastern.edu/nemslab/2011/07/cmr-swnt/