Game User Research

Lecture Notes

Module 1: Pscyhology of Play

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

Module 2: Research Design

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

Readings: IRB and working with Subjects What is Research Reporting

Module 3: Review of Quantiative Data Analysis

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

  • Bordens & Abbott, Research Design and Methods,i 8th ed, 2011, McGraw Hill. [Chapters: 10, 13, 14, 16]
  • Field, Andy. (2013). Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics. 4th edition. Sage Publishers. [Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7]

Module 4: Qualitative Data Analysis

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

Module 5: Game Usability Evaluation

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

Module 6: Game Heuristics Evaluation

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

  • Heather Desurvire. (2008) Game Accessibility Principles (GAP). CHI. (on Forum)
  • Heather Desurvire. (2009). PLAY Principles. HCI 2009. (on Forum)
  • Heuristics Documents (on Forum).

Module 7: Playtesting and Interaction Analysis

Lecture Notes [pdf] [ppt]

  • Collins, J. (1997). Conducting In-House Play testing. Gamasutra.
  • John. Vin St. (2013). Best Practices: Five Tips for Better Playtesting. Gamasutra.
  • Valve's approach to playtesting: The application of empiricism
  • Korhonen, H. (2010, September). Comparison of playtesting and expert review methods in mobile game evaluation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fun and Games (pp. 18-27). ACM.
  • GUR Methods
  • Jordan, B., Henderson, A. (1995). Interaction analysis: Foundations and practice. The Journal of the learning sciences, 4(1), 39-103.
  • Heather Desurvire and Magy Seif El-Nasr. (2013). Methods for Game User Research: Studying Player Behavior to Enhance Game Design. Graphics and Applications, Vol. 33, No. 4. (on the Forum)
  • Kurniawan, S., Mahmud, M., & Nugroho, Y. (2006, April). A study of the use of mobile phones by older persons. In CHI'06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 989-994). ACM.
  • Mackay, W. E. (2004, August). The interactive thread: exploring methods for multi-disciplinary design. In Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (pp. 103-112). ACM.