Informed Consent

We are inviting you to participate in a research study. This study is a requirement for the completion of our course project in the course GNSD5130: Usability and Empirical User Research at Northeastern University. Your participation will helps us to understand our topic of interest better.

For this study you will be immersed in a particular scenario and are asked to make certain decisions. Participation will take no more than 5 to 10 minutes. There are no foreseeable risks involved with your participation and you can leave the study at any time by closing the browser or navigating to another web page.

Please note that your participation will be anonymous and nobody, not even the researchers, will know your identity as it relates to your data. You will be assigned a unique identifier for data collection. Moreover, we will not collect any personal information.

Also note that you need to be 18 years or older in order to be eligible to participate.

By pressing “agree” you agree to participate in this research and confirm that you are 18 years or older.

A Magic Wand

Make a Wish

You take the role of a character who suddenly finds a magic wand. You have a lot of wishes you want to have fulfilled. Maybe the magic wand can help you accomplish those?

Finished with the experiment?


Modified:December 15, 2016

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