Welcome to Northeastern!

What is Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry / Open Table, and how can it be part of your life at NU? Here's what some current students and recent alums have to say.

Open Table worship in the beautiful Northeastern Spiritual Life Center

What Students And Alumni/ae Are Saying

“Being a part of Open Table has been eye-opening and has reshaped my perspective on how people incorporate Jesus into their lives. It’s taught me that the essence of faith goes beyond adherence to tradition and that our choices don’t define our worth. What I particularly appreciate about Open Table is its inclusive atmosphere. The group emphasizes that everyone is welcome at the table, irrespective of anything – we are all seen as children of God. I’ve been welcomed with open arms, without any expectations or prerequisites. This, to me, exemplifies what a Christ-centered community should be – a space where acceptance and love transcend judgment, and where everyone is genuinely welcome.”—Andrea, class of 2023

“I was drawn to LECM because I wanted a sense of family on campus, and wanted a place where I could further my relationship with God. It is something I look forward to every week and it has helped me transition into college life.”—Emma, class of 2024

“My experience with LECM has been one of the highlights of my college experience. Since meeting the chaplains and the group my freshman year, I've known that I can bring any emotion or energy to the group and I'll always leave feeling calm and supported. I came to the group because I wanted a faith community similar to the one I grew up in and I found a group that helps me grow and challenges me to rely on my faith during college struggles. LECM puts out love and kindness and was the first experience I had that made Northeastern feel like a place I could call home.”—Ruthie, class of 2022

“I stumbled upon Open Table one day after hearing about the free dinner and have stayed because it’s one of the first religious spaces where I have felt genuinely at ease. Everyone is welcome regardless of background and it’s been a place where I’ve been able to ground myself and connect with God.”—Melody, class of 2025

“I was drawn to LECM because my church back home never really had a good group of Christians that I could connect with. After trying other clubs on campus, I found that I was most at peace coming to Open Table each week and always left feeling renewed and happy. I like that everyone is accepted and welcomed and in a time of huge college adjustments, it’s a nice reminder that God is always with me.”—Abby, class of 2023

“Open Table has been really great for me because it has given me a place and time to reflect on my life. It has helped me with decision-making and has given me healing during uncertain times. I’ve always felt supported and comfortable here.”—Jakob, class of 2023

“I sought out Open Table initially because I was looking for a faith community similar to the one I had at home, where I could grow in my faith and meet others with similar faith backgrounds. I’ve come back each week in part because it is achingly familiar. It is a part of my week that feels so strongly of home and it’s been incredibly comforting and grounding. Our gatherings help me to be rooted in my faith while I continue to question and grow.”—Munin, class of 2025

This page last updated: 21 January 2024
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