Lectures by Raphael Rouquier (UCLA), the week of Feb 23-27, 2015.

Times: TRF, Feb 24,26,27, 4-6pm.

Location: Northeastern University, West Village G (building 23G on the map), 104.

Topic: Calogero-Moser cells based on this nice short paper which proposes a new approach to Kazhdan-Lusztig cells via Calogero-Moser spaces.


1) Generalities on Rational Cherednik algebras.

2) Rational Cherednik algebras at t=0.

3) Galois actions and cells.

We plan to cover 1) and 2) in a graduate student seminar, while Raphael will talk about 3) in his lectures.

Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3.