In the Classroom
How do fish in the Southern Ocean keep from freezing?


Anthony North

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Photo of Anthony NorthDr Tony (AW) North of British Antarctic Survey (NERC, UK) studies the early life history and ecology of Antarctic fish. He will be sampling the upper water column to collect the early stages of fish and helping with other fish projects, including the reproductive status of demersal fish. The cruise is during May-July, the southern winter, a period that has been sampled the least and when several fish species spawn, and so this is a rare opportunity to investigate reproduction. At South Georgia the larvae from small number of fish species are expected along with the pelagic eggs of several other species. Hopefully, we might catch early juvenile Patagonian toothfish on the Burdwood Bank. The cruise is exciting because don't know what to expect in the water column at other localities during the cruise. Some fish will be used for Prof Ian Johnston's (St Andrews University) studies of muscle development in teleost fish and for genetic studies by Prof Gary Carvalho (Hull University) and others.