String Data Program

The program will involve a number of seminars on recent research and also breakout groups on specific topics within data science.

Since this is an interdisciplinary conference with participants from multiple communities, some introductory and vision talks are in order. Physicist Michael Douglas will give an overview talk of the string landscape, physicist Cumrun Vafa will review aspects of the landscape and swampland, and physicist Tom Rudelius will introduce string theory and its data structures to data scientists. In a breakout group computer scientists Scott Neal Reilly and Jeff Druce of Charles River Analytics will broadly discuss machline learning from the point of view of computer science and industry. Other breakout groups will introduce theory and code related to network science, reinforcement learning, and supervised machine learning.


Breakout Groups

The workshop will include a number of smaller 90-minute breakout groups focusing on specific topics in data science. Each breakout group will consist of three components:

The breakout groups are:

Workshop Code Repository

We encourage participants to share data and code related to this workshop in this GitHub repo, which is where the breakout group codes will be posted.

Titles & Abstracts

The titles and abstracts of plenary talks, in order of appearance, are listed below.