Socio-Emotional IMRL

Socio-Emotional Reward Design for Intrinsically-Motivated Reinforcement Learning Agents – C# code

Source repository:

This repository contains the code used to produce the results in my PhD thesis. The code implements the intrinsically-motivated reinforcement learning (IRML) framework, an extension to RL where an agent is rewarded for behaviors other than those strictly related to the task being accomplished, e.g., by exploring or playing with elements of its environment.

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Intrinsically-Motivated Reinforcement Learning

My Ph.D thesis focused in developing flexible and robust mechanisms for autonomous agents by using the computational framework of reinforcement learning (RL). Within the field of machine learning, RL is the discipline concerned with providing mechanisms that allow an agent to accomplish a task through trial-and-error interactions with a dynamic and sometimes uncertain and unreliable environment. Furthermore, agents usually suffer from perceptual, motor and adaptive limitations, i.e., they often do not have access to “all” the information required to make the best decisions and normally do not know the environment’s dynamics or the exact consequences of their actions. As a consequence, standard RL techniques present several design challenges, especially when dealing with complex problems often involving a great amount of fine-tuning and user expert knowledge.

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